
Strategy (2)

4 Tips For eCommerce Brands Preparing for Black Friday 2020 | Mighty Roar | Digital Agency

3 min read

4 Tips For eCommerce Brands Preparing for Black Friday 2020

Always the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday falls on November 27th this year. Of all the things normal and expected about Black Friday, the list...

2 min read

The Importance of Humility in Marketing

There are countless articles written about humility as a crucial leadership characteristic, but it's also valuable in marketing. For years, we've...

What Should My Marketing Budget Be? | digital agency | mighty roar

7 min read

What Should My Marketing Budget Be?

The amount a business should set aside for its marketing budget will vary based on its position in the market, its business goals, and the...

How to Select Brand Architecture Marketing Digital Agency Mighty Roar

3 min read

How to Choose a Brand Architecture

Most organizations operate multiple brands. Sometimes this is due to a merger or acquisition, while other times it is by design within the marketing...

Customer Segmentation and Persona Development | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Customer Segmentation and Persona Development

For some marketing teams, segmentation is seen as a dirty word. Brand managers may see their product or service as having universal appeal and may be...

challenger brand marketing | digital agency | mighty roar

3 min read

Challenger Brand Marketing

There used to be a saying that “nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM,” which meant that, groupthink, or doing the same thing your competitors were...

4 min read

Why Brand Marketing Is Important

The word brand is often misused in marketing. The confusion is likely tied to the fact that most “brands” didn’t start out thinking of themselves as...

Why PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy Must Work Together | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Why PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy Must Work Together

It's common to see PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy as different projects. In fact, you most likely have different people running each internally or...

2 min read

Creating a Clear Brand Positioning Statement

We are exposed to hundreds if not thousands of brand messages every day.

2 min read

Do You Really Know Your Competition?

Grasping the extent of your competition may appear to be a straightforward task.