7 min read
What Should My Marketing Budget Be?
The amount a business should set aside for its marketing budget will vary based on its position in the market, its business goals, and the...
7 min read
The amount a business should set aside for its marketing budget will vary based on its position in the market, its business goals, and the...
3 min read
Most organizations operate multiple brands. Sometimes this is due to a merger or acquisition, while other times it is by design within the marketing...
6 min read
For some marketing teams, segmentation is seen as a dirty word. Brand managers may see their product or service as having universal appeal and may be...
3 min read
There used to be a saying that “nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM,” which meant that, groupthink, or doing the same thing your competitors were...
4 min read
The word brand is often misused in marketing. The confusion is likely tied to the fact that most “brands” didn’t start out thinking of themselves as...
6 min read
It's common to see PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy as different projects. In fact, you most likely have different people running each internally or...
2 min read
We are exposed to hundreds if not thousands of brand messages every day.
2 min read
Grasping the extent of your competition may appear to be a straightforward task.
5 min read
Regardless of your industry or brand, every marketer shares the same fundamental goal: to reach consumers at key moments when your marketing message...
6 min read
Some researchers take a hard approach to data, either falling squarely on the side of the numbers (quantitative data) or on the other side, one of...