
2 min read

Live-streaming And What It Means for Your Marketing

In a previous post, we cited that Social Media and Video investments were at the top of the list regarding where marketing dollars were heading in 2017. However, one trend that ties those two areas is still proving to be tricky for most marketing...

Qualitative Research | Quantitative Research | Marketing Research | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Qualitative and Quantitative Marketing Research Methods

Some researchers take a hard approach to data, either falling squarely on the side of the numbers (quantitative data) or on the other side, one of...

How to Calculate Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

3 min read

How to Calculate Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

In this Ad Math video, we discuss how to calculate your Net Promoter Score.

How to Calculate Your Value to Volume Ratio | digital agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

How to Calculate Your Value to Volume Ratio

In this video, we'll look at Value to Volume Ratios (VVR), which can help determine how efficient your marketing efforts are compared to the...

9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

2 min read

9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

Every generation requires a shift in how brands target and research their audience. However, none more so than the Millennial generation.

How to Calculate Marketing Cost Per Unit (MCPU) | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

How to Calculate Marketing Cost Per Unit (MCPU)

When you don't have deep pockets, every dollar in your marketing budget counts and you need to allocate your money as effectively as possible. That's...

Calculate The Value of Your Email Subscribers | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

Calculate The Value of Your Email Subscribers

Email has been around a long time, but for many people, there is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding it. Well today we're going to address...

Frequency in Marketing and Media | How To Calculate | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

Frequency in Marketing and Media

In our last video, we discussed reach, so it only makes sense that this week we tackle frequency.

How to Calculate Reach | What Is Reach | Marketing | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

Reach in Marketing and Media

Reach is the number or percentage of people in your target audience reached by a single exposure – such as a radio spot, banner, or commercial – in a...

How To Calculate Response Rate | Direct Mail | Marketing | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

1 min read

How to Calculate Response Rate

One of the best things about direct marketing – such as digital marketing, email, or direct mail – is that it's possible to gauge whether your...