
how to calculate the profit from your marketing promotions | digital agency | mighty roar

2 min read

How to Calculate the Profit from Your Promotions

In this post, we're gonna look at promotion profit. Many of our clients run promotions throughout the year that jumpstart sales during key periods.

4 min read

Why Brand Marketing Is Important

The word brand is often misused in marketing. The confusion is likely tied to the fact that most “brands” didn’t start out thinking of themselves as...

Why PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy Must Work Together | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Why PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy Must Work Together

It's common to see PPC, SEO, and Content Strategy as different projects. In fact, you most likely have different people running each internally or...

7 min read

Best Practices for Live Streaming Video

Live streaming video is growing in popularity. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (and now TikTok) offer live streaming options for users and brands....

2 min read

Creating a Clear Brand Positioning Statement

We are exposed to hundreds if not thousands of brand messages every day.

2 min read

Do You Really Know Your Competition?

Grasping the extent of your competition may appear to be a straightforward task.

Consumer Decision Journey Mapping | How To | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

5 min read

Consumer Decision Journey Mapping

Regardless of your industry or brand, every marketer shares the same fundamental goal: to reach consumers at key moments when your marketing message...

3 min read

Emotional Advertising: Standing out in a Sea of Sameness

Think of an ad that has stuck with you and quickly jumps to the top of your mind. It could be an old ad or one you saw this week. What was it about...

2 min read

How to Set-Up Lead Scoring

Every inbound marketing program’s goal is to generate leads, but often little thought is put into what you will do with the prospects. This is where...

how to build a content calendar | marketing | digital agency | mighty roar

4 min read

How to Build a Content Calendar

Like many New Year’s resolutions, building a marketing content calendar is easy to start, but difficult to maintain. That's because life tends to get...