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9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

Every generation requires a shift in how brands target and research their audience. However, none more so than the Millennial generation.

Millennials, which include more than 79 million people between the ages of 21 and 38, are now the largest generational segment in the United States. Their purchasing power, the ability to influence their peers, and reliance on technology makes them an important generation to consider when marketing your brand and products.


Millennials are a difficult generation to market to due to the fact that they do not respond well to traditional marketing strategies or tactics. In order to seize this opportunity, it’s crucial to understand what makes this audience unique before trying to reach them through typical marketing tactics.

To win — and keep — their attention, marketing campaigns must be fun and engaging. Millennials are quick to change their mind, so maintaining their engagement with your brand is equally as important as attracting them in the first place.

Below are nine tips for how to reach them with your marketing:

  1. Think beyond the typical ways of advertising
    Millennials are by far the most tech-savvy generation, and you should assume that every claim and headline will be researched and checked online and within their social networks. (check out our post on Doing 'Native Advertising' Right)
  2. A great digital experience is critical
    Millennials expect that they should be able to use multiple devices and methods when interacting with your brand. If you’re not thinking about mobile, social, apps, and the overall user-experience they will leave you for someone that does.
  3. Meet them where they are
    Don’t just rely on your own channels and website. Take time to understand your Millennial audience and develop a strategy to be present and relevant where they are spending their time. To be successful, you must be proactive and go to them.


  4. Provide experiences
    Connectivity means sharing. Give this audience something worth talking about. Millennials tend to be drawn to marketing that promotes a lifestyle, rather than just product benefits.
  5. Be human and empathetic
    Millennials understand that brands are trying to sell products and services, but that doesn’t mean that they want to feel like they’re talking to your “social media department.” Make sure that you humanize your brand, and take the time to understand their issues and provide relevant solutions.
  6. Provide Guidance
    Millennials are interested in advice and proactive guidance. They’re entering a stage where they are being faced with significant life events and are looking for guidance beyond what their parents can provide.
  7. Use video liberally
    If there’s one tactic worth investing in when reaching a Millennial audience, it’s video. Millennials spend 48% more time watching online videos than the average internet user. Quick, but entertaining, educational content on your site and social channels will go a long way.
  8. Use humor in your marketing
    80% of Millennials claim that they are more likely to remember an ad if it is funny. Make sure that your content is engaging and meaningful. They consume a lot of content across various devices and have learned to quickly judge what content is valuable and what isn’t. If it’s not valuable to them, they will leave and won’t return.


  9. Incentivize reviews
    Many Millennials read online reviews and testimonials before buying or signing up for products and services, however, they rarely write them without being asked or given an incentive.

Many brands have missed the mark with the Millennial audience because they didn’t take the time, or put forth the effort, to adjust their messaging. However, by taking the time to understand the factors that influence this generation your brand can create successful marketing campaigns that are sure to build the foundation of long-term — and valuable — customer relationships.



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