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Timing is Everything: When Should Brands Start Their Holiday Marketing?

Timing is Everything: When Should Brands Start Their Holiday Marketing?

The holiday season is a pivotal time for many businesses—a period relied upon to boost sales, engage with customers, and strengthen brand loyalty.

With consumers eager to find the perfect holiday gifts and capitalize on seasonal deals, the question isn't whether to market during the holidays but rather when you should start.

Launching your holiday marketing at the right moment can help you cut through the clutter of holiday messaging and significantly impact your brand's success.


The Importance of Early Holiday Marketing

As the holiday season approaches, initiating your marketing efforts early can significantly impact your overall success. 

Capturing Early Shoppers

Each year, more consumers begin their holiday shopping well before the traditional rush.

According to a survey from Bankrate, almost half of holiday shoppers (48 percent) plan to begin shopping before Halloween.

Getting a jump start on your holiday marketing efforts early allows you to tap into this proactive audience. By being present when these shoppers are making their lists (and checking them twice), your brand can become a go-to holiday shopping destination.

Building Brand Awareness Ahead of Competitors

Early holiday marketing efforts help establish your brand in the minds of consumers before the market becomes filled with competing messages.

As competitors ramp up their campaigns closer to the holidays, your early presence can give you a competitive edge, ensuring customers think of you first.

Leveraging Extended Sales Periods

You may have noticed that the length of Black Friday has become longer each year.

You're not imagining things. Brands now offer early bird specials, pre-holiday sales, and extended deals that start weeks in advance.

You can maximize revenue opportunities throughout the season by aligning your marketing timeline with these extended sales periods.

black friday sale

Consumer Shopping Behaviors and Trends

As consumer shopping habits continue to evolve, understanding these changes is vital for any brand aiming to succeed during the holiday season.

Shift in Consumer Behavior

The convenience of online shopping and the desire to avoid last-minute stress has led many consumers to start their holiday purchases earlier.

Generally, more than half of consumers (58%) report shopping online at least once a week, with 10% saying they shop online daily. These numbers only increase during the holiday period.

This shift means that brands need to adjust their timelines to meet customers where they are in their buying journey.

Influencing Factors

Early discounts, exclusive promotions, and fear of inventory shortages—especially relevant in recent years—motivate shoppers to buy sooner rather than later.

By understanding these factors, brands can effectively tailor their marketing strategies to address consumer motivations.


Challenges of Late Holiday Marketing

Starting your holiday marketing late can put your brand at a significant disadvantage. As the season progresses, the marketplace becomes increasingly crowded, making it harder to capture consumers' attention.

Increased Competition

Waiting too long to launch your holiday marketing can leave you lost among the noise. As more brands flood the market with promotions, standing out becomes increasingly difficult for latecomers.

Rising Advertising Costs

Advertising platforms often experience higher demand during the peak holiday season, driving up costs. Early marketing can help you secure better rates and more favorable ad placements before prices escalate.

Missed Opportunities

Delaying your marketing efforts can result in missed chances to engage with early shoppers, ultimately leading to a potential market share and revenue loss. Early engagement helps ensure you don't leave money on the table.


Planning Your Holiday Marketing Timeline

Starting early and setting clear milestones ensures that every aspect of your campaign is executed smoothly and efficiently.

Start Planning Early

Effective holiday marketing requires strategic planning, which should begin several months in advance. Early planning allows for thoughtful campaign development, creative brainstorming, and coordination across departments.

Key Milestones

Your holiday marketing plan may vary based on your unique situation, but here is an example timeline to consider:

  • June-July: Begin strategy sessions and set goals.
  • August-September: Develop content, design your campaign creative, and plan promotions.
  • October: Launch teaser campaigns and early promotions.
  • November-December: Roll out main campaigns and engage with customers actively.

Strategies for Effective Early Marketing

To maximize the benefits of launching your holiday marketing early, it's important to use strategies that effectively engage your audience and encourage them to act.

Teaser Campaigns

Generate buzz with sneak peeks of upcoming products or promotions. Teaser campaigns can build anticipation and keep your brand at the forefront of consumers' minds.



Early Bird Promotions

Offer special deals to early shoppers. Early bird promotions can incentivize customers to make purchases sooner, smoothing out sales spikes and managing demand more effectively.



Create a Sense of Urgency

Encourage immediate action by instilling a sense of urgency in your marketing messages. 

Use tactics such as limited-time offers, flash sales, or countdown timers to motivate shoppers to act quickly. Phrases such as "limited stock," "offer ends soon," or "don't miss out" can prompt consumers to make faster purchasing decisions, helping you capture sales that might otherwise be delayed or lost.



Multi-Channel Approach

Utilize a combination of email marketing, social media, and digital advertising to reach a broader audience.

A cohesive multi-channel strategy maximizes your reach and helps your brand stay top-of-mind through consistent messaging. 


Balancing Early Marketing Without Overwhelming Consumers

While starting your holiday marketing early offers numerous advantages, it's essential to approach it thoughtfully to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Avoiding Ad Fatigue

While it's important to start early, overloading consumers with too many promotions or repeatedly showing the same ad can lead to ad fatigue.

Pace your content strategically, ensuring you run a variety of ad creatives where each message adds value and maintains interest.


Tailor your marketing messages to different segments of your audience. Use your customer information and ad targeting to focus your messaging on specific segments and customer profiles.

Personalized content resonates more deeply with consumers, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Engagement Over Promotion

Focus on building relationships rather than solely pushing sales.

Everyone will have a sale, but interactive content like holiday-themed quizzes, user-generated content campaigns, and community events can help you stand out and promote a stronger connection with your brand.

Early Marketing Makes the Difference

Starting your holiday marketing early isn't just a strategy—it's become a necessity.

By engaging with consumers ahead of the rush, building brand awareness, and offering value through personalized and timely campaigns, you position your brand for success during the most wonderful—and commercially critical—time of the year.

Every brand is unique, and finding the right timing and approach requires understanding your audience and market dynamics. As you prepare for the upcoming holiday season, consider these insights and strategies to maximize your impact.


Ready to craft a holiday marketing strategy that shines? Contact us to see how we may be able to help you meet your marketing goals.

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